Flat Pack Module
Flat pack modules are 160sqft units with panels that are stacked flat enabling it to be efficiently packaged and transported. The units are then “unpacked” and assembled into full and secure multi-purpose enclosures.
Benefits Include:
- Favorable costs
- Consistent Quality
- Easy and quick assembly
- Environmentally friendly
Flat Pack Module Interior
Open concept structure allows for flexibility of interior layout.
Folding Module
Folding modules are 160sqft units that are contain collapsible walls, which fold in half and enable the unit to be compacted for ease of shipping and storage.
Benefits Include:
- Favorable costs
- Easy assembly/disassembly
- Efficient of storage
- Consistent quality
- Environmentally friendly
- Ideal for temporary facilities
Folding Module Interior
Open concept structure allows for interior layout flexibility.

Temporary Splicing Module: Structure

- Rock wool wall panel
- Bottom beam
- Lower stigma
- Floor leather
- Wood grain
- Skirting
- Column
- Corner guard
- Rear window
- Upper stigma
- Upper stigma
- Roof insulation cotton
- Top beam
- PVC downspout
- LED tube
- Steel door
- Front window
- Sink
- Roof board
- Cement fiberboard
- Top frame short beam
- Bolts
- Ceiling board
- Top frame long board
- Ceiling pallet
- Sink hosting
- Brake box
- Switch
- Socket
- Topline gusset
Quick Splicing Modules
Quick splicing modules are approximately 200 sqft units that are segmented into pieces, which can be taken down and packaged very efficiently and “spliced” together with other modules to create more customizable space.
Benefits Include:
- Ability to customize
- Easy and quick assembly
- Increased square footage
- Environmentally friendly
Quick Splicing Interior
Structure allows for multiple interior walls to create additional rooms and the flexibility of interior layout.

Expanding Container House
Expanding Container Houses are 400sqft units that contain several sections of exterior walls, which can be taken down and packed inside. This design enables it to be packed for ease of storage and transport.
Benefits Include:
- Favorable costs
- Increased square footage
- Easy and quick assembly
- Environmentally friendly
Expanding Container House Interior
Structure allows for multiple interior walls to create additional rooms and flexibility of interior layout.
Sentry Module
Sentry module provide flexibility for more different use applications including:
- Security guard rooms or booths
- Toll booths
Exterior finishing includes real stone, lacquer, and metal carved board, among other products.